Election for the New York State Assembly - 2024


Dr. Ma, Hongbao



Running for New York State Representative -2024


 Dr. Ma Hongbao


Contact : _ _

718-404-5362; mahongbaony@gmail.com; http://www.maforny.com



The United States

New York

Press release and campaign platform presentation seminar

Press release and campaign platform presentation seminar -English


Press release and campaign platform presentation seminar

Press release and campaign platform presentation seminar -English


Dear Madam/Sir:
Thank you for your attention and support for Hongbao Ma's
candidacy for the 2024 New York State assembly!
You are cordially invited to attend: Press Conference and
Campaign Platform Presentation and Discussion for
Hongbao Ma’s candidacy for the New York State assembly (2024)
New York is the most prosperous place in the world, and New
York City ranks first among the world's metropolises, and it is the yearning place for millions of people. Although it is extremely prosperous and luxurious, it also has the chaos of poverty and decay. In order to improve the quality of life of New Yorkers, carry forward the quality of inheriting positive energy, and keep New
York prosperous forever, Hongbao Ma decided to run for the New York State assembly in 2024 to work hard for New York's governance, security, education, technology, development, and prosperity.
Time: August 26, 2023 (Saturday), 1 pm - 4 pm

Address: American Adult Day Care Center, 41-70 Main Street,
Flushing, NY 11355 (Flushing, New York), 718-463-8889
Contact: Hongbao Ma, 718-404-5362; Xi Wang, 917-678-7373
Welcome to the discussion! Welcome to the campaign team! Let's work together to make New York better!
Hongbao Ma
Ma for New York
mahongbaony@gmail.com; http://www.maforny.com


Invitation card

You are invited to attend: Ma Hongbao's candidacy for the New York State Representative (2024) press release and
campaign platform presentation seminar.

New York is the most powerful and prosperous place in the world. Although it is extremely prosperous and luxurious
, it also suffers from the chaos of poverty and decay. With the goal of making the good parts of New York better and correcting the bad
parts, Ma Hongbao has decided to run for the New York State House of Representatives in 2024. You are specially
invited attend the press release and campaign platform presentation seminar.
Time: August 26, 2023 (Saturday), 1 pm - 4 pm
Address: Flushing and Meikang Adult Day Care Center, 41-70 Main
Street, Flushing, NY 11355, 718-463-8889
Contact: Ma Hongbao, 718-404-5362; Wang Qian, 917-678-7373

Welcome to join the discussion! Welcome to join the campaign team and we sincerely ask for your volunteer support!

Ma Hongbaony
Ma for New York























Election for the New York State Assembly - 2024


Ma, Hongbao


Currently living in Queens, New York. Committed to comprehensively developing the good in New York, eradicating the bad, and improving the lives of New Yorkers.


Campaign Slogans:

Putting People First, We the People. Always: Our Commitment to Doing Right and Doing Best!


There is a passage that says:

“If you love him, send him to New York, for it’s heaven. If you hate him, send him to New York, for it’s hell.”

To permanently change to:

“If you love him, send him to New York, for it’s heaven. If you hate him, don’t send him to New York, for it’s heaven.”

Ma Hongbao - Candidate for New York State Representative - 2024

Ma Hongbao, Ph.D. from Peking University and postdoctoral fellow from Harvard University. He has been concerned about current affairs, social conditions and development since childhood, and has been enthusiastic about social activities. Faced with the prosperous and powerful side of New York and the serious existing problems, I decided to run for the 2024 New York State Representative (38th District ) , work hard for New York’s governance, security, education, technology, development, prosperity, etc., and focus on New York’s social governance and life and development , committed to improving the quality of life of New York residents and improving the current situation of New York , making the good parts of New York better, correcting the bad parts, and further building New York into a beautiful homeland of prosperity, harmony, mutual assistance, safety and happiness.

Running for New York State Representative , 2024 , District 38 , independent candidate


Dr. Ma Hongbao

Dr. Ma, Hongbao


Ma for New York




39-06 Main Street, #1616, Flushing, NY 11354


Campaign slogan:

People-oriented, do the right thing, do the best! Make the good things better and correct the bad things! 


Campaign Slogan

Do the Right, Do the Best, We the People!

Let the good things be better, and the bad things be corrected!


Reasons for candidacy:

New York is the most powerful and prosperous place in the world, and New York City ranks first among the world's metropolises, a city that millions of people yearn for. Although it is extremely prosperous and luxurious, it also suffers from poverty and decay. In order to improve the quality of life of New Yorkers, carry forward the quality of inheriting positive energy, and keep New York prosperous forever, Ma Hongbao decided to run for the New York State Representative in 2024 to contribute to New York's governance, security, education, technology, development, prosperity , etc. And work hard to improve the quality of life of New Yorkers and improve the current situation of New York, putting people first, people's hearts first, and public opinion first! Do what is right and do the best Make the good parts of New York better, correct the bad parts, and further build New York into a beautiful homeland of prosperity and development, harmony and mutual assistance, safety and happiness.


Summary of policy agenda :

1. Universal Basic Income ( UBI ), universal free basic medical insurance, unconditional, for all New Yorkers.

2. Zero poverty, zero crime, zero homelessness, zero unemployment, zero dollar debt, and zero rent dominance.

3. Improve New York’s GDP , social and economic development, per capita assets, education, infrastructure, and happiness index.


Key points of the policy agenda:

1. Universal Basic Income (UBI), unconditional, All New Yorkers.

2. Universal free basic medical insurance.

3. Zero poverty, zero crime, zero homelessness, zero unemployment, zero dollar owed, zero bad tenant.

4. Increase New York's GDP, social and economic development, per capita assets, education, infrastructure, and happiness index.


The first thing is to achieve :

1. Universal basic income and universal free basic medical insurance, unconditionally for every New Yorker;

2. Zero poverty, eliminate poverty ;

3. Zero crime and eliminate crimes caused by poverty ;

4. Zero homelessness, eliminating homelessness caused by poverty;

5. Zero unemployment, cancel the minimum wage and achieve zero unemployment ;

6. Zero yuan arrears, eliminating arrears or refusal to pay dues due to poverty;

7. Zero rent tyrants, protect sacrosanct private property and eliminate rent tyrants;

8. Promote social inclusion, realize racial integration and equality, and eliminate racial discrimination through policies regardless of race:

9. New York State will build 6,000 public toilets that are free and open 24 hours a day ( approximately one for every 3,000 people) ;

10. Unify tax rates and eliminate fiscal deficits ;

11. Control clutter and improve sanitation in urban communities ;

12. Anti-drug;

13. Gun ban;

14. Reasonably integrate welfare policies and strengthen welfare for the elderly, disabled people and those who really need care;

15. Invest in and reasonably improve public transportation infrastructure ;

16. Promote prosperity and strengthen education ;

17. Promote economic growth Support New York City’s high-tech businesses and small and medium-sized businesses ;

18. Foster entrepreneurship create more free markets in New York City ;

19. Promote and strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, especially with Canada and China , so that most of the world's top 500 companies have branches in New York, and most of the world's top 500 universities have branch campuses in New York ;

20. Promote the abolition of tipping habits ;

21. Improve the unreasonable parts of New York’s laws and regulations .


      New York has entered a new era!


Brief description of the political platform issues:

1. Universal Basic Income (UBI) :

1.1 Overview of Universal Basic Income:

Universal Basic Income (UBI) , universal free basic health insurance, unconditionally available to all New Yorkers at $ 33 per person per day , from the day of birth to the day of death.

Universal Basic Income, also known as Unconditional Basic Income , is an unconditional direct payment to all New Yorkers. Every New Yorker receives this fixed amount on a regular basis, regardless of whether they have a job, income, or other conditions. The amount is based on the poverty line as the main reference and takes into account the actual ability of the society. This income provides people with basic economic security and stability and meets their basic living needs. Every New Yorker has it, so that there will be no people below the poverty line in New York, ensuring that every New Yorker has enough money to meet their basic needs. . The money of all New Yorkers is divided into two parts. The first is basic living needs, which comes from the universal basic income distributed every day. It is the same for everyone. The other is the additional part to meet basic living needs, because individuals have different earning situations. And different. Human life is divided into basic life and enjoyment life. The former is guaranteed by the universal basic income, and the latter is earned by oneself. Basic medical care is the basic guarantee for modern people's survival, and every New Yorker must have it.


1.2 Sources of funds for universal basic income :

New York State has a population of 20 million, an annual GDP  of US$2 trillion, a per capita annual GDP of US$100,000, and a per capita personal income of US $ 75,000 per year ( US$ 6,250 per month ) ( https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYNGSP , https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_New_York_(state) .

New York has the largest political and economic advantages in the world, and the greatest development capabilities and potential. Universal Basic Income ( UBI ) and universal free basic medical insurance can be achieved with New York's current capabilities. New York's UBI will become an independent plan and will not use other existing funds. However, after the implementation of UBI , it will release huge energy for prosperity and development and save a lot of money in other areas. New York will fundamentally change and enter a new era!


1.3 Analysis

To make an analysis and metaphor based on the actual situation, if the poverty line of a social community is $1,000 per person per month , half of the people in the community have no income, and the other half of the people have a monthly income of $2,000 per person. If all personal income is collected, then each person per month If you pay $1,000 , there will be no needy people, and the funds will be balanced, but this is egalitarianism, so most people will be unwilling to work. Anyway, they will get $1,000 a month whether they work or not , and society will decline. But the current situation in New York is that the per capita personal income is $6,250 per month . As an analogy, suppose half of the people have no job and no income, and the other half of the people earn $12,500 per month . From the half of the people who earn $ 12,500 per month, $2,000 is collected per month . All New Yorkers will be given $1,000 per month per person. The amount of funds is balanced. People without income will receive a net $1,000 per month from the universal basic income , and their total income will also be $1,000 per month ; those with a monthly income of $12,500 per person will receive Each person pays $2,000 per month, and each person receives $1,000 per month from the universal basic income . The net income per person per month is $11,500 ( $12,500-$2,000+$1,000 ). Under such circumstances, the entire New York funds are balanced and guaranteed. No monthly income in People whose income is less than $1,000 means that there are no poor people living below the poverty line in New York. At the same time, the actual monthly income of a person who earns $12,500 per month is $11,500, which is reasonable and acceptable. A person who actually earns $11,500 per month at work will not stop working just to get $1,000 , and it will not affect people’s enthusiasm for work. On the contrary, it will stimulate people to work harder and create wealth (that is, for every $1 earned, they will receive $0.84) . A person who makes no money at all gets $1,000 per month from the UBI plan . With life security, the actual income of a person who makes $100 a month is $1,084 per month . The actual income of different income earners before and after UBI is shown in Figure 1 , and New York’s GDP is shown in Figure 2 .


Figure 1 ( 1). New York State personal net income after universal basic income (UBI)

(Hongbao Ma, August 26, 2023, New York)

Figure 2 ( 2). New York State GDP

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product: All Industry Total in New York [NYNGSP], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYNGSP, August 18, 2023. Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate


1.4 UBI has many benefits and has a great positive impact on society :

UBI reduces socioeconomic inequality and provides basic economic security, fairness and equality of opportunity, allowing everyone to have the opportunity to pursue their potential. Giving people a bottom line of economic security can encourage people to boldly invest in entrepreneurship and innovation, reducing or even eliminating worries about being unable to live due to investment failure, because they are no longer completely dependent on traditional salaried jobs. Compared with some social welfare programs, UBI is simpler to operate, reducing a lot of administrative overhead and complex eligibility checks. Because everyone has an unconditionally guaranteed basic income, UBI provides conditions for tax cuts in other areas.


1.5 UBI provides better conditions for social development :

If a basic income of 33 yuan per person per day is provided unconditionally, people will not give up jobs that make more money, and people's instinct to pursue unlimited wealth will not disappear because of UBI . Because of the disappearance of poverty throughout New York, the entire society has been fundamentally changed. Security is guaranteed, science, technology and productivity are further developed, new wealth is created in greater quantities, various resources are comprehensively and rationally integrated, and the overall development of society is improved. At the same time, New York has the greatest political and economic advantages in the world and the greatest development potential. Under the guarantee of universal basic income, concerns about modern technology, including artificial intelligence, replacing people's job opportunities are eliminated, giving social development a greater impetus.

Universal basic income allows more people to be willing to do volunteer or low-cost work.


1.6 Efficiency and fairness :

Under the current social welfare system, no matter how the rich are excluded, no matter what the asset review system is, there will always be problems with the subsidy threshold and the poverty trap effect. Or many people do not know how to apply for subsidies, or the process is too complicated, or they do not know whether they are eligible. Eligibility, or unwillingness to apply for poverty subsidies out of personal reasons, or allowing those who do not need or are not eligible to receive subsidies, so that those who really need cannot receive assistance, thus leading to welfare fraud, administrative bureaucracy, corruption and waste of resources, etc. question. Sponsored groups may also be labeled, discriminated against and questioned. The universal basic income here is not welfare, not reducing the gap between rich and poor, not protecting a certain group, but ensuring everyone's basic survival needs. UBI is not egalitarian, it is effective, reasonable, and now realistic, and New York can and needs to achieve it.


1.7 There are more reasons to implement UBI :

The reason why UBI is needed is also that New York’s main resources are shared by New Yorkers, such as rivers, sunshine, air, and seawater, and public expenses incurred by people, such as sewage, should be borne jointly. With the current strong productivity, it is necessary and achievable to ensure that every New Yorker has a basic income to ensure basic living. Since ancient times, universal payment has always existed. For example, for the use of public facilities and roads, the government spends money, but users do not pay.

As early as 46 BC, the ancient Roman consul Julius Caesar ( Gaius Julius Caesar ) began to provide living expenses to all Roman citizens . In 1516,  the British philosopher and statesman  Thomas More formally proposed  guaranteed basic income . A large number of attempts have been made around the world. Finland launched the UBI experiment in 2017 , which was the  first time that it was transformed from an idea into a basic income at the national level. Policy (randomly select 2,000 unemployed people and receive 560 euros per month for two years); In the 2020 US presidential election, Andrew Yang  made UBI  the core content of his political platform.


1.8 The most thorough way to fundamentally solve the current problem :

Universal basic income is the most effective and thorough way for New York to fundamentally solve the current problems. It is the best choice and the most beneficial to the people and society. Moreover, New York is now fully capable and can implement it. New York took the lead in realizing universal basic income, and then implemented it in surrounding areas, including New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, etc., and finally the entire United States realized universal basic income.


1.9 Another analysis of UBI funding:

The poor and low-income people in New York now receive various welfare subsidies from the government, many of which exceed US$ 1,000 per month . For the non-poor but the ordinary class (for example, the per capita income is about $6,250 ), even if US$ 1,000 is collected and US$ 1,000 is sent back , the government’s expenditures will not increase and the personal income will not decrease. If a basic income of $ 33 per person per day is provided unconditionally , people will not give up jobs that earn more money. Because of the disappearance of poverty throughout New York, the entire society has been fundamentally changed. Security is guaranteed, science, technology and productivity have developed further, new wealth has been created in greater quantities, various resources have been comprehensively and rationally integrated, and the overall development of society has improved. New York has the world's largest political and economic advantages and the greatest development potential . Universal basic income and universal free basic medical insurance can be achieved with New York's current capabilities.


2. Zero poverty (poverty elimination) :

The poverty line in the United States is approximately $33/ day / person, and universal basic income is paid to each person at $ 33 /day , completely eliminating poverty. With universal basic income, there will be no people below the poverty line in New York , which will make it possible to zero out all the problems caused by poverty, including crime, theft, money owed, vagrants, homelessness, etc. caused by poverty. Psychological and mental illness, etc. In 2021 , the updated poverty line in New York City based on inflation is: $13,788 for one person and $27,740 for a family of four ($6935/ person ) . One person needs approximately $1149 per month , and a family of four needs $577 per person per month . By implementing a universal basic income of $33 per person per day ( $990/ month / person) and encouraging families to live together, zero poverty has been achieved. From then on, there are no poor people or low-income people in New York! Regardless of single life or family life, UBI is paid per person. The larger the family size, the lower the per capita basic living expenses, but the per capita UBI is the same. This also encourages family life, promotes social stability and improves the happiness index. At the same time It also avoids the trouble and injustice caused by the calculation of family size in UBI distribution, and reflects the principle of equality for everyone.


3. 零犯罪(消除因贫困引起的犯罪)

一旦消除贫困,就在消除犯罪方面产生连锁效应。当人们通过 UBI 和其他社会支持政策等措施获得基本必需品、财务与医疗保障和经济发展机会时,就给出了根除犯罪的条件,或至少基本驱使个人从事犯罪活动的原因归零。此外,解决基本生活需要、系统性不平等、缺乏教育和社会边缘化等犯罪根源将实现零贫困后零犯罪的目标。这可以同时通过涉及社区参与、执法改革和基于证据的犯罪预防战略的整体方法来实现,并应用现在的高科技成果,解决潜在的社会、经济和系统问题。犯罪不好,纽约政府就要努力消除犯罪,毫不保留的将不好的清除掉。


4. 零游民(消除因贫困引起的无家可归游民)



5. 零元欠 (消除以贫困为理由而不交应该交纳的款项)



6. 零租霸,保护神圣不可侵犯的私有财产

反租霸, 严守契约精神,坚守租房子住就要交房租这个人类社会的基本规则,将租房子住交房租和吃饭交饭钱和坐飞机买机票钱等一视同仁,取消房屋法庭, 保护私有财产的神圣性和维护合同的完整性, 保证纽约的房屋私产所有权。重视和保护私有财产权的不可侵犯性,确保严格遵守合同约定。对不良租户(租霸)零容忍,促进一个负责任和尊重规则的社区,尊重和维护私有制,促使每个纽约人都有机会拥有房地产,许多人既是房东又是租户,搬家换住处方便自由,充分提高和居住有关的生活方便、工作方便及交通方便,极大提高纽约人的生活质量和幸福感。以提供充足的人均住房空间和保持高质量标准为目标,纽约成为住房可达性和质量的全球领导者。


7. 零失业,取消最低工资并实现零失业:

7.1 全民基本收入实现后,将不需要最低工资

最低工资的主要理由是确保一份工作足以支付基本生活费用。随着全民基本收入的实施,不再需要最低工资来保证支付基本生活费用。工资完全的自由化、市场化并保证每个人都有适合自己的工作,并不受工资多少来决定, 将使民众更加主动有效地做适合自己的工作与事情,同时可以在社会随时调整生产成本与效率,使纽约焕发出非常强大的发展动力,生产出更多价廉物美的产品,并以具有竞争力的价格提供高质量的商品和服务,惠及全纽约,销往并惠及全世界,拥抱完全市场化并保证每个人都有工作。纽约人有了保障生活的全民基本收入,每个人都可以更好地从事自己真正喜欢的工作和事业,避免人们为了挣足够的钱来维持基本生活而干自己不愿意干的工作或干不适合自己的工作。


7.2 取消最低工资符合现在社会实情



8. 实现种族平等

通过不分种族的政策促进包容性、种族融合及平等,消除种族歧视:政府事务与统计、招聘、招生、工商经营、福利发放及一般的法律案件等,不设置种族身份栏目,不作种族区分,所有种族的人平等对待,所有人都是纽约人身份。消除种族身份区分可以促进包容性和公平性,从而减少歧视并保障平等。平等对待所有种族并坚持以人为本(We the People) 的原则, 让纽约成为真正的所有种族平等对待,成为最实质的种族平等及一个最有凝聚力的和谐社会。在纽约这个社会中,个人根据他们的能力而贡献而不根据他们的种族或族裔来评估,纽约成为一个更加包容和公平的社会,在这个社会中,基于种族的歧视、偏见和不平等现象会被最小化,从而促进并保障社会凝聚力和公平,种族平等和融合,繁荣发展与生活幸福!


9. 免费 24/7 公厕

如厕是所有人的基本生活需求。纽约市非常缺少并必须有足够的 24 小时免费公共厕所,保障纽约人如厕及公共卫生、增加便利性和可及性、提高宜居性和生活质量及保证健康,改善公共安全以及促进纽约人的健康。同时,使用干净且维护良好的公共厕所可以使城市更加温馨,满足多样化的需求,并有助于提高居民和游客的整体满意度。所有政府拥有的或政府可以全控作为公共使用的厕所,立即全部作为24/7 免费的公共厕所使用。每个地铁站或地铁站周边半英里内,至少有一个24/7 免费的公共厕所。保证纽约州至少有 6000 个每天 24 小时免费开放的公共厕所(纽约州2000 万人,每3000人一个公共厕所),如果现有的不够,新建至至少6000个。如果修建一个厕需要10万美元,6000 个厕所总需要6亿美元,针对解决人就厕需要这个重大问题,全纽约投资6亿美元是一个很小的金额。


10. 统一税率,消除财政赤字



11. 加强城镇社区的卫生清扫:



12. 禁毒:

防止、打击、进一步禁止被证明其滥用会对个人和社会健康造成严重威胁,导致成瘾的毒品的生产、贩卖和使用,消除毒品带来的健康问题、犯罪行为和社会不稳定,对鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、吗啡、大麻、可卡因,以及其他能够使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药品, 对麻醉药品药用原植物种植实行管制。禁止非法种植罂粟、古柯植物、大麻植物以及国家规定管制的可以用于提炼加工毒品的其他原植物,禁止走私或者非法买卖、运输、携带、持有未经灭活的毒品原植物种子或者幼苗。


13. 禁枪:

13.1 美国支持私人拥有枪支的重要理由主要有几点:

1)宪法权利: 于17911215日通过的美国宪法第二修正案(Second Amendment to the United States Constitution)规定了公民拥有和携带武器的权利,以维护自由和国家安全。该修正案被认为是确保公民能够自卫、保护自己免受任何来自政府或个人的威胁的重要手段。2)抗暴政府:拥有武器是公民在需要时对抗可能的暴政的手段,保留个人拥有枪支的权利有助于确保政府不会过度集权或滥用权力。3)自卫权:拥有枪支能够帮助个人保护自己、家人和财产免受犯罪和暴力侵害。4)犯罪:允许合法的枪支拥有可以增加犯罪分子犯罪的风险,因为他们无法确定潜在的受害者是否携带武器。5)文化传统:美国的西部拓荒历史和独立斗争中,个人拥有和使用枪支的文化传统深厚。6)狩猎和娱乐:枪支在美国用于狩猎和娱乐射击活动。很多人享受户外活动,如狩猎和射击运动,这被视为一种休闲方式和文化活动。


13.2 拥枪的理由,不适合现在



13.3 美国枪击,造成生命财产损失极大

美国民间大约有 4亿支枪,从2018年到2021年,美国日均有120人死于枪击,平均每年有43475人死于枪击,平均每年因枪击造成的经济损失大约5570亿美元 (https://time.com/6217348/gun-violence-economic-costs-us/)。 美国每年的军费开支大约8000亿美元,全世界每年的军费开支大约22千亿美元。美国每年因枪击造成的经济损失,相当于美国一年军费的70%,全世界一年军费的27%。针对现在私人枪支造成的民众生命财产的严重损失及严重的社会安全问题,自卫、文化、娱乐没有生命财产安全更重要,私人拥枪是平民互相伤害,没有必要,尤其是在纽约市这样的大都市里。法律需要根据社会的实际状况而修正,现在应该开始正视与讨论禁枪问题。


13.4 世界上法律上禁枪的国家有:




世界上只有九个国家曾经把持有武器的权利写进宪法: 美国、玻利维亚、哥斯达黎加、哥伦比亚、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、利比里亚、危地马拉、墨西哥. 如今只有这三个国家把保护持枪权利写进宪法: 美国、墨西哥、危地马拉, 只有这三个国家在宪法中保护持有并携带武器的权利。(https://www.jiemian.com/article/1727547.html).


13.6 美国是世界上民间拥有枪支最多的国家:

美国人口占全球人口不到5%,但民间拥枪数却占全球的46%。据瑞士小型武器调查项目(Small Arms Survey)评估,全球民间持有枪支从2006年的6.5亿增加到2017年的8.57亿,很大程度上归因于美国民间拥枪数大幅上升。2017年,美国私人拥有枪支约3.933亿支,而当时美国人口不到3.265亿人,平均每100人约拥有120.5支枪。而位居第二的是处于战乱之中的也门,每100人拥枪数为52.8支。无论是私人拥枪总数,还是人均拥枪数量,美国都高居世界第一,但登记注册的私人拥枪数却只有107万支左右,绝大多数枪支处于未经登记注册而散佚于民间的状态 (https://www.en84.com/14210.html)


14. 合理化福利政策及政府福利房:




15. 投资并合理化改善公共交通基础设施

投资纽约公共交通基础设施, 改善交通可达性、减少拥堵、提高经济生产力、减少温室气体排放、增加就业机会以及改善居民的生活质量。在需要的地点建立公交车总站,比如法拉盛。停止不需要的过度的公交车专用车道。现在纽约不断地建立公交车专用车道,影响了普通车辆的正常行驶,降低了公共车道的使用效率。适当的公交车专用车道是需要的,但是一定要在确实需要的路段建。



16. 促进繁荣与公平教育



17. 推动经济增长——支持纽约市的高科技企业和中小企业

支持、保护和促进高科技大型企业以及中小企业可以带来很多好处。高科技大型企业可以通过增加生产、出口和创收为经济做出贡献,而中小型企业可以激发创业精神,促进当地发展,并提供就业机会,关系日常生活。通过为各种规模的企业营造有利的环境,纽约可以创造一个多元化和充满活力的经济,在创新、竞争力和可持续性方面蓬勃发展。降低生产成本,尤其是提高制造业竞争力,尽可能生产更多具有强大竞争力的产品,最大限度的经济市场化自由化, 推动经济增长,社会发展第一,刺激经济增长、创造就业机会、促进创新并推动技术进步。提升纽约 GDP、建高铁、地铁、桥梁、公路、房地产,提高个人收入与资产等。


18. 培养企业家精神——建立自由市场




19. 促进加强国际合作与交流,尤其是加强与加拿大和中国的合作与交流:


利用纽约强大诱人的条件,进一步引进世界 500 强公司多数在纽约有分部,世界 500 强大学多数在纽约有分校。充分利用联合国的条件、资源和政治影响力,充分利用华尔街的条件和优势,加强国际合作与交流。


20. 倡议取消小费习惯:



21. 改变纽约法律法规中不合理的部分












联系: 马宏宝, 718-404-5362; 王茜, 917-678-7373

Ma for New York

maforny2024@gmail.com; mahongbaony@gmail.com; http://www.maforny.com


Contact: Ma, Hongbao, 718-404-5362; Wang, Xi, 917-678-7373

Ma for New York

maforny2024@gmail.com; mahongbaony@gmail.com; http://www.maforny.com


参选纽约州众议员, 2024, 38 选区, 独立参选人

马宏宝 博士

Dr. Ma, Hongbao


Ma for New York


mahongbaony@gmail.com; http://www.maforny.com

39-06 Main Street, #1616, Flushing, NY 11354


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Ma Hongbao , August 26 , 2023 , New York

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Election for the New York State Assembly - 2024


Ma, Hongbao


PhD of Peking University, Postdoctoral Fellow of Harvard University. Currently living in Queens, New York. Committed to comprehensively developing the good in New York, eradicating the bad, and improving the lives of New Yorkers.


Campaign Slogans:

Putting People First, We the People. Always: Our Commitment to Doing Right and Doing Best!


Policy outline:

How can we address the challenges facing New York? The key lies in enacting legislation to achieve two universals and four zeros.


The two universals are:

(1) Universal Basic Income (UBI) - providing unconditional $33 per person per day, for all New Yorkers, from birth to death.

(2) Universal free basic medical insurance.

These initiatives can be funded through substantial advancements in science and technology, increased productivity, creation of new wealth, and comprehensive integration of various resources. New York has the capacity to make this a reality.


The 6 zeros are:

Zero poverty, zero crime, zero homelessness, zero unemployment, zero dollar owed, zero bad tenant.


Brief descriptions of the platform issues:

1. Implement UBI:

In 2021, the poverty threshold for New York City, updated for inflation, was $13,788 for one person and $27,740 for a household of four. That is approximately $1149 for one person per month living alone, and $577 per person per month in a household of four (average for the 1 person and 4 persons in a family is $863). Zero poverty can be achieved by implementing Universal Basic Income (UBI) of $33 per person per day ($990/month/person), along with universal free medical insurance, effectively eliminating poverty. Universal basic income (UBI) is a social welfare proposal in which all citizens of a given population regularly receive a guaranteed income in the form of an unconditional transfer payment. There are several welfare arrangements that can be considered similar to basic income, but they are not unconditional. Many countries have a system of child benefit, which is essentially a basic income for guardians of children. A pension may be a basic income for persons. There are also quasi-basic income programs that are limited to certain population groups or time periods, like Bolsa Familia in Brazil, which is concentrated on the poor, or the Thamarat Program in Sudan, which was introduced by the transitional government to ease the effects of the economic crisis inherited from the Bashir regime. Likewise, the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted some countries to send direct payments to its citizens. The Alaska Permanent Fund is a fund for all residents of the U.S. state of Alaska which averages $1,600 annually, and is sometimes described as the only example of a real basic income in practice. A negative income tax (NIT) is different from the basic income which is for certain income groups in which citizens receive less and less money until this effect is reversed the more a person earns.

Critics claim that a basic income at an appropriate level for all citizens is not financially feasible, fear that the introduction of a basic income would lead to fewer people working, and consider it socially unjust that everyone should receive the same amount of money regardless of their individual need. However, it is indeed financeable especially in some rich area such as New York, indeed that such a system, instead of many individual means-tested social benefits, would eliminate a lot of expensive social administration and bureaucratic efforts, and expect that unattractive jobs would have to be better paid and their working conditions improved because there would have to be an incentive to do them when already receiving an income, which would increase the willingness to work. The basic income is fair because it ensures that everyone has a sufficient financial basis to build on and less financial pressure, thus allowing people to find work that suits their interests and strengths. We the people, everyone is equal.

Early historical examples of unconditional payments date back to antiquity, and the first proposals to introduce a regular unconditionally paid income for all citizens were developed and disseminated between the 16th and 18th centuries. After the Industrial Revolution, public awareness and support for the concept increased. At least since the mid-20th century, basic income has repeatedly been the subject of political debates. In the 21st century, several discussions are related to the debate about basic income, including those regarding automationartificial intelligence (AI), and the future of the necessity of work. A key issue in these debates is whether automation and AI will significantly reduce the number of available jobs and whether a basic income could help prevent or alleviate such problems by allowing everyone to benefit from a society's wealth, as well as whether a UBI could be a stepping stone to a resource-based or post-scarcity economy.

In a 46 BC triumph, Roman general and dictator Julius Caesar gave each common Roman citizen 100 denarii until his assassination in 44 BC. Trajan, emperor of Rome from 98–117 AD, gave 650 denarii (equivalent to perhaps US$430 in 2023) to all common Roman citizens who applied.

In 1516, English statesman and philosopher Thomas More depicts a society in which every person receives a guaranteed income. As he described, the basic income is proposed as an answer to the statement "No penalty on earth will stop people from stealing, if it's their only way of getting food", stating: “instead of inflicting these horrible punishments, it would be far more to the point to provide everyone with some means of livelihood, so that nobody's under the frightful necessity of becoming first a thief, and then a corpse”.

Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) argued for a new social model that basic income should be a vital component in that new society.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social policy concept that involves providing a regular, unconditional cash payment to every citizen or resident of a country, regardless of their employment status or income level. The idea behind UBI is to ensure that everyone has a minimum level of income to cover their basic needs and provide a foundation for economic security.

The key features of a universal basic income typically include:

1. Universal: It is provided to all individuals within a specific geographic area, regardless of their age, employment status, or wealth.

2. Unconditional: There are no work requirements or means tests associated with receiving the basic income. It is given without any conditions or strings attached.

3. Regular and direct: The payments are made at regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, directly to the individuals rather than through intermediaries.

Proponents of UBI argue that it has several potential benefits. Some of the main advantages often cited include:

1. Poverty reduction: UBI can help alleviate poverty by ensuring that everyone has a minimum income to meet their basic needs, reducing the reliance on social welfare programs.

2. Economic security: It provides a safety net that can protect individuals from financial shocks, job losses, or other unexpected events, enabling them to have more flexibility in pursuing education, training, or entrepreneurship.

3. Simplification of welfare systems: UBI has the potential to streamline and simplify existing welfare programs, reducing administrative costs and bureaucracy associated with means-tested programs.

4. Stimulating economic growth: By putting money directly into the hands of individuals, UBI can boost consumer spending, potentially stimulating economic activity and creating demand for goods and services.

However, UBI also faces criticisms and challenges. Some of the common concerns raised include:

1. Cost: Implementing a universal basic income on a large scale can be financially demanding, requiring substantial funding from the government. Financing such a program through taxation or other means is a significant consideration.

2. Disincentive to work: Critics argue that providing a basic income to everyone, regardless of their employment status, may discourage people from seeking employment or engaging in productive work, potentially leading to a decline in workforce participation.

3. Inflation: If the introduction of UBI leads to increased consumer spending, it could potentially drive up prices and cause inflationary pressures in the economy.

4. Equity and distributional effects: UBI does not specifically target those who are most in need, as it is provided universally. Critics argue that resources could be better allocated by focusing on specific groups or implementing targeted social programs.

UBI has been the subject of pilot programs and experiments in various countries and regions worldwide. While it has generated considerable interest and debate, its widespread implementation remains a topic of ongoing discussion and exploration in economic and social policy circles.

UBI stands for Universal Basic Income. It is a concept that proposes providing a regular and unconditional cash payment to every individual in a society, regardless of their employment status or income level. The idea behind UBI is to ensure that everyone has a minimum level of income to meet their basic needs and alleviate poverty.

UBI has been a topic of discussion and debate in various countries around the world. Supporters argue that it can address income inequality, reduce poverty, and provide a safety net in the face of automation and job displacement. They believe that UBI can empower individuals by giving them the freedom to choose how to use the funds and pursue their goals.

Critics of UBI raise concerns about its cost and potential disincentives to work. They argue that implementing a universal income program could be financially burdensome and may discourage people from seeking employment or pursuing higher education. There are also debates about the optimal level of income, funding sources, and potential effects on inflation.

While UBI has gained attention and experiments have been conducted in some places, it has not been universally implemented on a national scale. The discussions surrounding UBI continue to evolve, and different variations of the concept are being explored and tested in various countries to assess its feasibility and potential impact.

Up to September 2021, New York State has not implemented a universal basic income (UBI) program on a statewide level. However, it is worth noting that UBI has been a topic of discussion and experimentation in various localities and cities within the state.

For instance, in February 2021, New York City launched a pilot program called "Guaranteed Income for New Yorkers" as part of its COVID-19 relief efforts. This pilot program aimed to provide cash assistance to a select group of low-income individuals and families. The program provided $1,000 per month for a period of at least one year to approximately 2,000 New Yorkers in the Bronx, Staten Island, and parts of Brooklyn.

Furthermore, in 2021, the city of Hudson in upstate New York announced plans to launch a small-scale UBI pilot program. The program aims to provide monthly cash payments to a limited number of residents for five years. The details and funding sources of this pilot program have yet to be finalized.

It's important to note that the status and specifics of UBI programs can change over time. Therefore, it's advisable to check for the most up-to-date information on UBI initiatives in New York State beyond my knowledge cutoff of September 2021.

New York State has a diverse and robust economy, which plays a significant role in the overall financial capacity of the state. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, New York State has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that ranks among the largest in the United States.

Several factors contribute to New York State's financial strength:

1. Economic sectors: New York State has a diverse economy with a strong presence in sectors such as finance, real estate, media and entertainment, tourism, healthcare, and technology. The financial sector, including Wall Street in New York City, contributes significantly to the state's revenue and employment.

2. Tax revenue: New York State collects various taxes, including personal income tax, corporate tax, sales tax, and property tax. The state's tax revenue is substantial due to its large population and economic activity. However, it's worth noting that the financial capacity can be influenced by economic fluctuations and changes in tax policies.

3. Infrastructure: New York State has extensive infrastructure, including transportation systems, airports, ports, and telecommunication networks. These infrastructure investments contribute to economic development and facilitate business activities.

4. Financial institutions: New York State is home to many major financial institutions, including banks, investment firms, and insurance companies. The presence of these institutions contributes to the overall financial ecosystem of the state.

While New York State possesses a strong financial capacity, it also faces fiscal challenges. These challenges include addressing budget deficits, managing pension obligations, and ensuring adequate funding for public services and infrastructure development. The state government must carefully manage its resources and make budgetary decisions to maintain fiscal stability and meet the needs of its residents.

In September 2021, the total personal income for New York State was approximately $1.63 trillion. Total personal income represents the sum of all income earned by individuals, including wages, salaries, self-employment income, rental income, dividends, and other sources.

2. Eliminating crime from eliminating poverty:

Once poverty is eradicated, it can create a positive ripple effect in eradicating crime. When people have access to basic necessities, financial security, and opportunities for economic advancement through measures such as UBI and other social support policies, the desperation that can drive individuals towards criminal activities can be eradicated or at least significantly reduced. Additionally, addressing root causes of crime such as systemic inequality, lack of education, and social marginalization can help in achieving the goal of zero crime after zero poverty. This can be accomplished through holistic approaches that involve community engagement, law enforcement reform, and evidence-based crime prevention strategies aimed at addressing underlying social, economic, and systemic issues.

3. Eliminating unnecessary benefits and strengthening social welfare guarantees:

Ensuring that social welfare programs are streamlined and focused on essential support for those in need, such as protecting the elderly and individuals with disabilities. This approach involves evaluating and reevaluating existing programs to maximize effectiveness and efficiency, while prioritizing the well-being of vulnerable populations. By eliminating unnecessary benefits and enhancing essential protections, we can ensure that social welfare efforts are targeted and impactful, providing meaningful support to those who require it the most.

4. Reforming government welfare and affordable housing:

Transitioning away from government welfare housing and affordable housing programs, and instead empowering New Yorkers to afford normal commercial housing. Existing government welfare housing will be sold to current residents at affordable prices, and all New Yorkers will have the opportunity to freely move, rent, buy, and sell homes with full protection of their property rights.

5. Preserving the sanctity of private property and upholding contractual integrity, promoting home ownership in New York:

Valuing and protecting the inviolability of private property rights and ensuring strict adherence to contractual agreements. Our approach prioritizes zero tolerance for bad tenants, promoting a responsible and respectful community where property owners' rights are respected and upheld. Encouraging a culture of property ownership where every resident has the opportunity to own real estate, and many individuals serve as both landlords and tenants. With the aim of providing ample housing space per capita and maintaining high-quality standards, New York can become a global leader in housing accessibility and quality.

6. Abolish the minimum wage:

The primary justification for a minimum wage is to ensure that a job pays enough to cover basic living expenses. However, with the implementation of a universal basic income, there is no longer a need for a minimum wage. Instead, embracing full marketization and guaranteeing everyone a job would enable New York to produce affordable products and offer high-quality goods and competitive prices.

7. Invest in public transit infrastructure:

Improved transportation accessibility, reduced congestion, enhanced economic productivity, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased job opportunities, and improved quality of life for residents are some of the potential benefits of investing in public transit infrastructure in New York.

8. Unify the tax rate and eliminate the fiscal deficit:

By unifying the tax rate and eliminating the fiscal deficit, New York can achieve improved social efficiency and government work efficiency. This can lead to more effective allocation of resources, streamlined government processes, reduced bureaucracy, and enhanced accountability in public spending. Additionally, unifying the tax rate can simplify the tax system, reduce administrative costs, and potentially stimulate economic growth by creating a more predictable and stable business environment.

9. Promoting Inclusivity and Equality through Race-Blind Policies:

Eliminating racial identity columns in government affairs and statistics, recruitment, school admissions, general legal cases, and other areas can promote inclusivity and fairness, leading to reduced discrimination and increased equality. Treating all races equally and upholding the principle of "We the People" can foster a more cohesive and harmonious society, where individuals are evaluated based on their abilities and contributions, rather than their race or ethnicity. This approach can help create a more inclusive and equitable society, where discrimination, bias, and inequality based on race are minimized, promoting social cohesion and equity.

10. Advancing Education for Prosperity and Equity:

Investing in first-class education, enhancing examination and merit-based selection processes, strengthening educational programs, and fostering the development of outstanding talents can have numerous benefits for society. It can lead to a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce, contributes to economic growth and innovation, and empowers individuals to reach their full potential. Quality education, combined with fair and transparent selection processes, can create a level playing field and provide opportunities for all individuals to succeed based on their abilities and merits, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. Moreover, a well-educated and skilled population can contribute to social mobility, social cohesion, and overall societal well-being.

11. Free 24/7 public toilets:

Using the toilet is a basic living requirement for all people. The availability of 24-hour public toilets in New York City can bring important benefits, including improved public health and hygiene, increased convenience and accessibility, enhanced livability and quality of life, potential economic impact through tourism, improved public safety, and promotion of social equity and inclusivity. Access to clean and well-maintained public toilets can make the city more welcoming, accommodate diverse needs, and contribute to overall satisfaction for residents and visitors alike.

12. Driving Economic Growth - Supporting High-Tech Enterprises and Small-Medium Businesses in New York City:

Supporting, protecting, and promoting high-tech large enterprises, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, can have many benefits. This approach can stimulate economic growth, create jobs, foster innovation, and drive technological advancements. High-tech large enterprises can contribute to the economy through increased production, export, and revenue generation, while small and medium-sized enterprises can spur entrepreneurship, promote local development, and provide employment opportunities. By fostering a conductive environment for businesses of all sizes, New York can create a diverse and dynamic economy that thrives on innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability.

13. Fostering Entrepreneurship - Establishing Free Markets in New York City:

Establishing more free markets, such as flea markets, in New York City can have many benefits. Firstly, it promotes entrepreneurship by providing opportunities for small business owners and local vendors to sell their goods and services. This can lead to economic growth, job creation, and increased competition, which can benefit both consumers and businesses alike. Additionally, free markets can enhance community engagement and social cohesion, as they often serve as gathering places for people to interact, exchange ideas, and build relationships. Free markets can also contribute to the cultural diversity and vibrancy of the city, as they often showcase unique products and crafts from different cultures and communities. Overall, establishing more free markets can foster a dynamic and inclusive economic environment, promote entrepreneurship, and contribute to the social fabric of New York City.

14. Maximizing Economic Freedom - Embracing Capitalism in New York City:

Embrace a capitalist private economy and maximize economic market liberalization to foster a competitive and dynamic business environment in New York City. This can lead to increased investment, job creation, innovation, and economic growth, creating opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.

15. Reforming New York Laws for Development and Well-being:

Advocate for changes to unreasonable laws and regulations in New York City through the Congress, and propose new laws and regulations that are conducive to the development of the city and the well-being of its residents. This can help to create a regulatory environment that promotes business development, protects individual rights, and addresses the needs of the community, leading to a more efficient and effective governance system that serves the best interests of New Yorkers.


There is a passage that says:

“If you love him, send him to New York, for it’s heaven. If you hate him, send him to New York, for it’s hell.”

To permanently change to:

“If you love him, send him to New York, for it’s heaven. If you hate him, don’t send him to New York, for it’s heaven.”
















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